Professional Group Coaching

Learn in a community of practitioners…

Further your professional development…

Receive coaching mentoring.

Creating Learning Communities with Professional Group Coaching

The Professional Group Coaching Program—offered by Karen Aznoian and Jane Tuohy, certified Integral Coaches through New Ventures West—is designed to teach the art and discipline of group coaching for certified coaches. This program offers ongoing professional development and mentoring coaches who wish to be part of a community of practitioners.

Why Group Coaching?

The power of group coaching lies in the development of learning communities within organizations. Karen and Jane are graduates of the New Ventures West year-long Professional Coaching Program. Each experienced deep personal growth and transformation as part of that learning community. They wish to offer a similar level of support and challenge to coaches who desire to be part of a community of practitioners.

Participants will learn how to offer, design and deliver group coaching sessions based on Integral principles. As part of a group learning experience, participants in Integral Group Coaching gain the following benefits:

Peer feedback. Once group participants have shared the goals of their coaching plans, they will be supported, challenged and encouraged by a peer support structure.

Professional Coaching. Highly experienced, certified, Integral coaches track and support your ongoing Personal Development. Group members are encouraged to bring current client cases for review and feedback.

Enhanced Professional Networks. Relationships up and down levels and across functions are formed as group members build trust. These relationships extend beyond the group sessions and enrich the quality of lives for participants.

Group Coaching Tools. How to initiate group coaching, maintain momentum and achieve strong completion.

As organizations strive to provide critical leadership development during challenging financial times, group coaching offers a cost-effective solution. Participants in Group Coaching receive the same benefit of individual coaching plans and support from their lead coach during and between sessions, as well as the benefit of peer feedback. Most groups consist of 5-7 members. The benefits to the organization tend to be 5-7 times greater than those realized through individual coaching.

Join a Community of Practitioners

The Group Coaching program is six months in duration. Each participant will receive:

• Private in person session with Karen or Jane to establish their Professional Development goals

• Monthly small learning groups/peer coaching calls

• Opening and closing one-day Retreats to receive instruction in adopting new coaching tools and concepts, practice in facilitating group coaching sessions, and connect with peers as Integral Coaches

• Final feedback and closure session with Karen or Jane to assess professional development progress and direct ongoing improvement

• Business development planning and support in designing group coaching proposals to enroll clients in Integral Coaching

• An Affordable Development Experience

Fees: This first time offering of the six month Group Coaching program costs $2,500. The program includes individual coaching sessions, participation in opening and closing Retreats, monthly small group calls, and six hours of professional coach mentoring.

Locations & Dates: The Group Coaching Program will be offered in Boston on February 11 and 12, 2011.


Karen and Jane serve on the faculty of the New Ventures West year-long professional coaching certification program in Boston.

Karen Aznoian is founder and principal of Aznoian and Associates and Senior Consultant at Kaplan Devries, Inc. She is committed to the advancement of professional coaching and “integral” leader development. Contact Karen at (508) 208-1122 or

Jane Tuohy is a founder and principal of Cambridge Hill Partners, Inc., management consulting firm, and an adjunct faculty member of the Yale University Center for Learning and Organizational Development. Contact Jane at (617) 359-0079 or

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